Student wellbeing

Pauline Cutajar, Director of Student Wellbeing and Development


Regular and punctual student attendance is critical in supporting the academic and social development of young people. However, if your daughter cannot attend school due to illness, scheduled appointment or needs to sign out during the school day, please notify the school either by emailing or calling the student absence line on 9524 7475. 


If your daughter is unwell during the school day, it is essential that she presents to sickbay. This will allow our School Nurse to make an assessment. The Nurse will contact parents if it is decided that a student needs to leave school. To support the safety and wellbeing of students, it is essential that students follow this process rather than communicating directly with parents.

Leadership Preparation Program

Last week, I was delighted to speak to the Year 11 students about the upcoming Leadership Preparation Program, nomination, election and induction process. I have been delighted with the level of interest shown and look forward to facilitating this exciting new program at Shelford. In the coming weeks, I will also be speaking to our Year 10 students about the Leadership Program available to them. Further details about both programs will be published shortly.


Article: Girls at 10 are the new teens

In this interview Madonna King, author of a new book Ten-ager she discusses the earlier than before transition from childhood for our girls.


Video: Reverse selfie

This video produced by Dove in Canada, ‘highlights the pressures on young people to create the perfect selfie, using editing apps’.


Pauline Cutajar

Director of Student Wellbeing and Development