Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn
Kellie Felmingham
Kellie Felmingham

We are really excited to have all year levels back onsite from next week onwards. When students do recommence onsite learning, it is crucial that everyone maintains our high expectations around behaviour and organisation. These include:

  • UNIFORM - Until Friday 5 November students have a choice in terms of uniform - they may wear full winter, full summer, or PE uniform; from Monday 8 November all students will be required to wear full summer uniform;
  • STUDENT CONDUCT - students need to carefully review the Code of Conduct and Behaviour Management Model in their school diary to ensure they understand the College’s behavioural expectations;
  • MOBILE PHONES - these are to remain at home or be secured in students' lockers from 8:45am - 3:15pm each day;
  • BOOKS/EQUIPMENT - make sure the correct equipment is taken to every lesson. This includes bringing a charged Chromebook to school everyday;
  • ARRIVING AT SCHOOL ON TIME - all students need to arrive at school each day by 8:30am so they can get organised for the start of Period 1 at 8:50am.


McKinnon has achieved great success with its Chromebook program.  With all students using a standard platform, we provide confidence for students and teachers, and ensure that technology enhances our ability to deliver an effective curriculum. This has been incredibly useful during remote learning.


For our current Year 9 students (entering Year 10 in 2022), their Chromebook is approaching the end of its 3-year warranty. An email has been sent to these families outlining how to order the new device online; this message is also posted on the Year 9 parent newsfeed.  Thank you to all parents and students for their ongoing support of our Chromebook program. It is an essential part of our curriculum and helps maximise both learning opportunities and outcomes. 


If your child has upgraded their Chromebook and their previous device is still in good working order, families might be interested in a new donation program. We have made contact with an organisation that provides laptops to indigenous communities. So if you are not going to use the old Chromebook at home, this is a great opportunity to help support the education of other young people - simply bring the old Chromebook to our IT Office and we will organise the rest.


McKinnon Secondary College is committed to the safety, participation, empowerment and wellbeing of all children and young people. Ministerial Order 870 sets out the specific actions that registered schools need to take to meet the seven Child Safety Standards. We take this issue very seriously and have processes and procedures in place to ensure the safety of our students. Key policies include the Child Safety Code of Conduct, Mandatory Reporting, Esmart and the Prevention of Bullying - these are available on the College website


Recently we have had a number of unlocked bikes stolen from the bike compound during the day. We are trying to lock the gate in front of this area, but during the recent exam period, where students arrive at different times, this is very difficult. We implore all students to make sure their bike is locked up each time they ride it to school. We remind families that the Department of Education takes no responsibility for students' personal items and there is no insurance to cover any loss.