From the Principal

Be a Witness

On Thursday 11 August some of our Year 6 students were Confirmed by Bishop Tony Ireland at St Kevin's Church. The children confidently presented themselves taking the important step as young adults to make their Confirmation and complete the Sacraments of Initiation that were commenced by their parents at Baptism.


Bishop Tony made the Sacrament a very meaningful ceremony for our candidates. At the meeting with the children the week before he took the time to know each one by name and to listen to their story. Bishop Tony made the Confirmation extra special by the way he spoke to each child and made connections to his visit with us. 


Bishop Tony spoke about being a witness to our faith and not just a witness but an expert or exceptional witness. He challenged us to notice with our eyes, listen with our ears and respond with our heart to others. 


We congratulate our Confirmation candidates and pray that they will use their gifts to respond as witnesses and make a difference in the world. I also thank parents and our staff for all their work in preparing these children. Special thanks to Rozeta for her coordination as our Religious Education Leader.

Hearts on Fire

An enormous thanks to Kristy our music teacher and to all the members of our St Francis de Sales School Choir. The children sang magnificently and certainly set all our hearts on fire. We were all so proud of the way they sang each hymn with meaning, heart, joy and great expression. I thank each one of them for giving their time to rehearse. Thanks Kristy for your commitment to our children and our school.

An exceptional Witness


This week on the 8 August was the feast day of our first Australian saint Mary MacKillop, also known as Mary of the Cross. Mary was certainly someone who noticed, listened and acted to make a difference in the lives of others. One of her quotes captures this spirit and challenges us to do the same.


" Never see a need without doing something about it."


Mary was an ordinary women who lived an extraordinary life. Being an Australian, she is relatable, inspiring us to do the same in our own life. Mary was a women of compassion, kindness, wisdom and perseverance who achieved great things. We pray to Mary MacKillop to help us use our gifts to enhance our world by our acts of kindness and understanding for others. This week we see such a life as we remember the life Olivia Newton- John. Ordinary people can choose to live extraordinary lives. We can be inspired to do the same. Let us be a light.

First Time on Site

This week Ange and I met our builder on site for a tour. Our new building looks magnificent from the outside but it was just sensational looking at it from the inside!! It is just amazing to see the size of the wonderful new space we will all have to enjoy, It will be such an asset for our school and also for our community. Next week weather permitting we should start to see the delivery of the material for our roof. It is sure getting so exciting.

Important Reminders

Supervision: I take this opportunity to remind all parents of the supervision hours for our school. Supervision of children commences at 8:30 am and concludes at 3:40 pm. I thank parents who respect these hours and make proper arrangements to ensure their child is not at school before or after these times. Parents who may be delayed as an unexpected event occurs can certainly call the school and we do understand an exceptional circumstance. However, if you are struggling to juggle work commitments to drop off or pick up your child within these times, you need to make consistent arrangements. We have a Before and After School Program to assist. Please book your child into Kharisma Kids. It is not right or fair to expect staff who have other duties to supervise children after hours. Children who are not collected by 3:40 will be sent to the Principal's office and parents will need to see me to discuss alternative arrangements that need to be in place.


Car-Park - The school car-park is ONLY for staff cars on school days from 6am to 6pm. Currently with the construction on some days we do not have sufficient car parks for our staff. Parents who drop into the office or have an appointment to meet a teacher, need to use car parks around the school. We are so fortunate to have access to car parking all around the school. Your support is important.

Reminders - Parent meetings

Monday 15 August 6pm - ZOOM meeting for current Year 2 Parents re 1:1 device for 2023.

Monday 22 August 7pm- ZOOM meeting for Year 5 & 6 Parents re BODYWORKS program.


Parents are asked to please respond to indicate their attendance on Operoo. The link to the meetings is also shared via Operoo.


Portable for SALE

We have had some interest in our portable. We plan to post ads in coming weeks if required. If you know an organisation that would be interested in a 5 module portable, please get them to contact the school office. Ph 8773 6700. 


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): 

Monday 29 August – Friday 16 September 2022

In 2022, students, families and staff are invited to participate in MACSSIS surveys via our secure and purpose-built online platform. The MACSSIS survey platform is operated by an independent supplier, ORIMA Research Pty Ltd. The platform meets with the high security and privacy standards for handling student and school data. 


Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school. 


All participation is invited, welcomed and 100 per cent voluntary


The surveys are not a test; they are an inclusive way to support the work we are already doing to improve our school. Please help us collect valuable information about our school by participating in MACSSIS 2022.


Our school has been selected to participate in NAPLAN test trial. The trial is to try out possible questions for the 2023 NAPLAN test for Year 3 and Year 5. On Friday 40 year 3 students participated in the trial.


Have a great weekend. 




Christine White
