From the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

It is OK to make mistakes


Mistakes are a part of life. Mistakes can makes you feel frustrated, upset or even anxious. Mistakes can also help us grow.  It is important to change the way we think about and respond to mistakes. Adults need to help children accept that mistakes will happen and, when they do make mistakes, how to deal with them appropriately.


Here are some tips to support your child when they make mistakes:


Mistakes teach people lessons – Making mistakes is inevitable so show your child how to learn from mistakes. Mistakes can help us learn about things we should not do again. They also help us to think about a different way to do something and develop problem solving skills. Talk to your child about any lessons that they can learn from mistakes. 

Mistakes teach people persistence – You cannot get everything right the first time. Mistakes help develop persistence and resilience. Be there when your child makes mistakes, but encourage them to try again. 

Enable them to own their mistakes – You cannot always rescue your child from every mistake.  For example, they make have been told not to take their favourite toy to school in case it gets broken. However, they do not listen to you, take the toy to school and it gets lost or broken. Do not rush out to buy them a new toy. Let them learn from their mistake and apologise for it. 

Encourage your child to ask for help – When your child makes a mistake, remind them it is OK to ask someone for help. Some mistakes can be worked out on your own, some mistakes will need help from someone. For example, they might try to solve a maths problem a couple of times on their own, but then need to ask for help. 

Be a positive role model - When you make a mistake, own it. Keep your emotions in check, do not dwell on it but show your child how it is just a mistake and that you will try again.


Have a great weekend. 


Katrina Victor-Gordon

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator