Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,


As we are coming to the close of another term, we can step back and celebrate a range of college events and educational opportunities that have helped our student’s growth and school connectedness. 


Positive feedback received from staff, students and the wider community indicates the Year 9 course counselling process was a huge success.  Families were engaged in their child/s subject selection and in partnership with the career’s counsellors, students chose subjects which complimented their Senior Pathways choices for 2023.


As communicated through COMPASS, despite not being face to face due to the current climate, the Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI) went ahead successfully over two days. This gave our families plenty of scope to make appointments with our staff and work together to maximise their educational and wellbeing outcomes in a safe environment.  If your children have not been involved in the PTI process, please ensure you communicate directly with their teachers to create a healthy discussion around improving and celebrating their Term 3 progress. 


With term three drawing to a close, the College encourages parents/carers to discuss with their child/children the recent communication emailed to all families related to uniform. Students were also provided a hard copy in Home Group to read through with their teacher. 


In the coming week, please make contact with the uniform shop and purchase any items your child requires to be in full school uniform by September 5th.  If there is a financial barrier, please contact your child’s Home Group teacher and the College will work with you to provide a manageable solution.


Following on from September 5th, the College will be implementing routine checks on uniform and phone/air buds/headphone use.  Students will be asked the reasonable instruction of handing the item in and/or removing the item, either or are in breach of school or state wide mobile phone policy.  Thereafter, detentions will be issued and the confiscated item will be placed at student services, labelled with the student’s names, ready for collection at the end of the day.



We thank those students who have already made the required adjustments the last few weeks and are wearing the full Elisabeth Murdoch College uniform to and from school with pride.


We wish the best of luck to our senior Vocational Major students who will be completing their programs largely by the end of this term through their final presentations and career mock interviews.  Through the adversity of the past two years, this cohort of students has performed extremely well to succeed in the senior Vocational Major certificate. Please feel welcome to return to seek careers advise or catch up with your teacher colleagues when able.  


I hope you get to enjoy the term break in some way with family and friends. 


Warm regards, 


Ciro Ferra

Assistant Principal