This term the children will have 9 weeks to live out our model of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL AND RESPONSIBLE.
The BLITZ this week and next is "Containers in the tub, Rubbish in the bin = win/win!"
We know that play is the most important form of learning and being with peers - so much so that personal items (particularly containers) and any rubbish is being dropped and left on the ground.
By implementing this Blitz, it is a reminder for our students that they are responsible for the items that come to school with them and they need to return them home for future use. It is also a reminder that the school yard needs to be cared for and left in a manner which all people can use and enjoy.
Our new expectation matrix is complete...
Let's unpack the language:
INSIDE : refers to all learning spaces including the library, hallways, office area, and sickbay.
OUTSIDE: refers to the pavilion, the oval, the sandpit, the playgrounds, the digging patches, the sensory space - all outdoor spaces.
DEVICES: iPads and laptops
PUBLIC: at anytime we are on excursions - locally and our of town, camps and being in the community while in school uniform.
"We strive to..." the definition of strive is to exert oneself vigorously; try hard. By including this language in our matrix it implies that as educators, we know that the children are human and while they try hard in these areas, there will be times when they a challenged to follow the expectations. When these instances occur, it is an opportunity to reteach not reprimand.
This fortnight the focus is on our OUTSIDE spaces: