Learning and Teaching

Physical Education lessons are offered every week for all students.

FLSWednesday and Friday 
1/2ESWednesday and Friday 
1/2CSWednesday and Friday 
3/4FBTuesday and Friday
3/4JDTuesday and Friday
5/6PSTuesday and Friday
5/6YLTuesday and Friday 


NAIDOC WEEK Activity Day

Last week teachers and students gathered in house groups to work on activities to acknowledge and celebrate NAIDOC Week.

The next activity day will be to celebrate SCIENCE WEEK.

100 days of school

What a wonderful way to begin the week - celebrating 100 days of school with your teachers and classmates!  The Foundation students were treated to a collection of activities for their day and even got to see what they would look like if they turned 100 years old!  The excitement continued as they shared their collections of 100 items and had a party with cake to mark this extra special day ~ thank you Miss Sortino for making this day extra special.