Catholic Identity

This Sunday's Gospel Reading

Luke 12:13-21

A person's life does not consist of possessions.

In the gospel this week, we hear about a rich man who is greedy and tries to keep all his good things to himself. Jesus taught us that we must share what we have with others. 


Let us pray: 

Loving God, everything we have comes from you. Help us to share what we have been given so that everyone has enough. Amen.



Thank you to everyone that expressed an interest in their child/children receiving the Sacraments at St Joseph's. I am pleased to publish the dates for these masses. 



Presentation Mass:

Saturday 13th August at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Elmore


Sunday 14th August at St Joseph's Church Rochester


Sacramental Mass:

Saturday 12th November at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Elmore


Sunday 13th November at St Joseph's Church Rochester


If you would like your child/children to participate in the Sacramental Program, please contact the office and leave your child's name.


Fr Caldow and Liz are working on providing the opportunity for students that have finished their primary schooling to prepare for the Sacraments also. Watch this space for more information about this.