
A child’s birthday is a very special occasion and every fortnight I will share this celebration by including the children’s names. 


Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrated their special day during the first half of August.  



Prep A: Seth and Samiksha

Prep B: Amesh

Prep C: Kiara

Prep D: Ruize

Prep E: Louis

1A: Sandaru

1B: Jayden and Chenaya

1C: Nethanya

1E: Devanshi and Aadhavan

2A: Declyn

2B: Kylie and Sanidhya

2D: David and Rudra

3A: Kavya

3B: Neha

3C: Rayyan

3D: Leona

4A: Senaya and Mohamed

4B: Arham and Stella 

4C: Hansiga, Lithika, Esandi and Diyon

4D: Ruby and Hayley

4E: Lavvin

5A: Olivia and Ranveer

5B: Faria

5C: Arena and Raavi

5D: Abdullah and Dilu

6A: Aviv and Aditi

6D: Helen and Laila