
Feast of the Assumption and Eurachist Family Workshop

Feast of the Assumption

Today we celebrate the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the mother of God. We celebrate Mary’s passing from this world into the glory of God. 


We remember her deep faith and her constant trust in God. We pray that we are inspired by Mary’s life and see her as a model of hope and trust in God.


Today the students and teachers attended Mass as a whole school to commemorate this special feast day with our Parish.

God of love, 

Inspired by Mary’s example, may we live as your 

faithful and trusting disciples. 

We pray for the strength and courage we need to 

be hope-filled and generous people,

knowing that you are with us on our journey. 

We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son


Term 3 Mass Roster

The children will attend Mass in class groups on Friday, 26 August. Everyone is welcome to join us at the 9:15 am Parish Mass.


Eucharist Family Workshop


There will be a family workshop on Thursday, 25 August, for the children preparing to receive the Sacrament of the First Holy Eucharist. The workshop will be held in the school library at 6 pm.


Please pray for our students Noah, Henry and Josephine, preparing to receive Holy Communion for the first time. 



Pauline Moran

Religious Education Leader