Principal's Report

“Integrity, insight, and inclusiveness are the three essential qualities of leadership” – Sadhguru


Today is National Principal’s Day. It has been a day where Sandra and I have been able to reflect on being principal class in such an amazing school. We aim to lead with courage and empathy, with the learning, health, and wellbeing of our students, staff and families always at the centre of the decisions we make.


We truly believe it is a privilege to be leading Monash SDS and thank our staff and families for the many kind words today and for the support we always receive to be able to lead such a wonderful school community.


Science Week

Next week is National Science week and we will be celebrating with some amazing science incursions and activities. Watch out for the posters around the school and photos in the next newsletter.


Car Park

Just a little reminder that we are moving to the new procedures for drop off and pick up on Monday (8th August) as per my compass post yesterday. Please have patience as we try this new system. It does require more staff than normal. I thank you in advance for your support in keeping everyone safe.


Capital Works Update

The concrete slab is complete!! You will now start to see some movement up the way as the steel trusses and walls begin to make an appearance. At this stage everything is on schedule which is great.


COVID update

As you will have seen from my compass posts, we do have a few COVID cases at school at the moment. Please make sure you are vigilant with keeping your children at home with any signs of a cold and be understanding of our staff who call you to pick up sick children. Although we understand this may be challenging, we have no choice while we try and keep everyone safe.        


Have a wonderful weekend and as always please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

