Academic Activities

Enhance Street Art


Students from the Enhance Street Art class made this fabric installation near the indigenous garden after reflecting on the symbolism of the red poppy for both remembrance of those who served and hope for the future.





During Term 4 the Enhance Street Art students have explored permanent Street Art practices in the form of stencilling and mural painting.  Students  cut stencil designs for individual projects featuring motifs of their own choosing and applied them to individual canvases to take home. Mural work includes some Australian Fauna motifs in the Arts courtyard area and the continuation of the Community, Diversity and Harmony mural near the lower entrance. This large scale mural will be completed over several semesters by different Street Art classes.




Gothic Horror Poems

Below are some Gothic Horror Poems written by our Year 10 Literacy Students





The water stood still

I watched him while on the hill

my breath fogged up the air

Looking down there.


He shouldn’t have done that

I gaze at him as he lays flat

His head face down

The water a dirty brown.


Why would he do such a thing?

I treated him like a king

I saw them in our bed

A rage flew over my head


I knew what I had to do

I wanted to choke him till he turned blue

I patiently waited for the night

I turned off all the lights


I did what I had to do

I placed him in the canoe

As I stare at the lake

I knew I made no mistake


Patiel Tavitian 2021








Baby blue, blue baby.


There once was a game, Baby Blue

If you’re scared, then it’s no game for you

Don’t think you can play with a friend,

It’s just you and your fear at the end.


Step one, close the bathroom door

Turn the lock, and check to be sure.

Step two, make sure it’s not bright

This must be done in candlelight.


Step three, time to turn the tap on

For this game the water must run.

In the mirror you have to stare

Now hold the baby if you dare!


Imagine a newborn in your arms

Smiling at you with all its charms.

Beware, beware the longer you stare

The mother of the babe will soon be there!


She’s angry with you, you summoned her child

She wants him back before he grows wild.

Out of the mirror she will climb

Get out, get out or you’ll have no time!!


Zara Mohammadi Far 2021





In the night


Open your eyes and you will see,

Try to foresee your destiny.

Take a walk in Halloween Park.

At midnight when its dark.


I know your fear,

Watch out because the monster is here.

Listen close and you’ll hear,

When the creature draws you near.


Get the message in your dreams,

This life is never what it seems.

You would sleep and wake up happily,

But during the day you can get scared very easily.


Wakeup to the sounds of the wolf in the night,

Long teeth sharp and white.

Scream as the wolf takes a bite,

Or maybe just run and try to hide.


Last night I had a weird dream,

I was playing a game while eating ice cream.

The scary monster came

And ruined our game.


Zubaida Hassani 2021




My sleep paralysis


At night I could not sleep

Because I was hearing noises in the deep

I thought the noises was from the beast under my bed

Or maybe in my closet or just in my head


I sat up on my bed, to see if there was threat

Then I saw a disfigured person, which its face I will not forget

It came near me, and my whole body froze

When I saw the face up close


Scared I pulled the blanket over my body

And all of a sudden my nose was bloody

The defaced person snatched the blanket away

And I thought this was going to be my last day


Trembling in fear I did not know what to do

On the wall that evil thing my face it drew

Putting a red cross over my face, and wrote “you will die tonight”

Pleased with itself and smiled diabolically with a delight


But then I heard someone call my name

I woke up then saw my mom, and that evil thing turned into a flame

Then I became relived and realized this happens every night

Because it was my sleep paralysis and it happened tonight


Zahra Bahrami 2021





The hidden pirate among the darkness of the moon


I see you walking,

Walking everyday

under the yellow shining sun

alone without a way.


You hear my calling

but you never look back.

I am the pirate

Without a track


They left me in the dark

Alone without a crew

Help me now, …

or I’ll kill you


You ignore me today

without looking back

soon the sun will set

and the moon rise


My spirit will rise too

and it’ll be the end for you too

before you have tried to ignore me without worry

I got rid of them as soon as they saw me


Muna Ali 2021




The whisper men


Do you hear the whisper men

The whisper men are near

If you hear the whisper men

Then turn away your ear


Do not hear the whisper men

Whatever else you do

once you’ve heard the whisper men

They’ll stop, and look at you


If you hear the whisper men

And you are in their sight

The presence of the whisper men

Will mean Goodnight


Don’t ignore the whisper men

They’re not just in your head

Be fearful of the whisper men

Ignore them and you are dead


Abas Fuladi 2021





A tall faceless figure,

That some unfortunate people see,

In the woods he hides,

Stalking kids through the trees,


He has tentacles that come from his back,

That he can bend at will,

He uses them to snatch kids from the back,

And hide them he will,


In a tree deep in the woods,

Where no one would ever dare to set foot,

Is where the children will be,

They will never be freed,


Sometimes he gets kids to do things,

Terrible things against their own will,

They do it cause their scared,

Scared to even dare to disobey him,


Slenderman is always there,

He sees and knows all,

So, before you dare to summon him,

Be ready to fall.


Coral Lumm 2021