Year 7 Orientation

Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th December marked the year 7 Orientation Days at HPSC! 


The future year 7s were given a tour of the College, received their 'Year 7 Passports', and had a lunchtime BBQ where they were also given the opportunity to try different musical instruments! Other activities throughout the day included Design Sessions and Baking, where the students made their very own cinnamon scrolls!



Our soon to be Year 7's also participated in a P.E class where they got to play games like octopus, capture the flag and dodgeball. They did some science experiments where they tested inertia and saw a chemical reaction take place, and finished the day with a final assembly where they received HPSC gift bags to help welcome them to the College.



We hope they enjoyed their Orientation Days as much as we did, and we look forward to seeing them all in 2022!