Head Start


Caden signed up with Head Start in April 2020. He was off to a shaky start due to injuries and COVID-19, and 3 employers later Caden is kicking Goals with Parker Homes!

Caden completed year 12 at HPSC at the end of 2020, and Head Start will continue to be there to support Caden throughout his apprenticeship. His Employer Andrew Parker says about Caden: “you won’t find many willing to learn and show up like Caden”.

He has not only done himself and HPSC proud, but also shown the value of the Head Start program. Well done Caden!






Rochelle started as a Head Start student in October 2019 as an Administrative Trainee at Swan Plumbing, completing her Certificate lll in Business in October 2020.

Rochelle has gone on to work in Administration at a major timber company. Her family are extremely proud of her. She completed year 12 and a Certificate lll for which she has received a Head Start certificate and Trophy.






Tayla Hamilton also completed her Certificate lll Business with the support of the Head Start team. Tayla did hers through Aurora Real Estate in Berwick.