Sub School News

Greetings to our Lyndhurst Families
As we come to the close of the 2021 academic year it’s time celebrate what our students have achieved particularly given the year we have had. As challenging as this year has been the Sub-school Team have been extremely proud of all our students, they have shown resilience in the face of repeated lockdowns, remote learning and disruption to their daily lives. They came back to school ready to learn and engage with their peers and teachers. Each and every single student deserves a big congratulations for pulling through these trying two years and making it to the other side, great job!!
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all our students as they have shown maturity and commitment, there are a particular group of students who require a special mention. The following students have accumulated the most SWPB points by embodying our school values throughout the year a massive congratulations to the students below:
Natalie Ray 7F
Piper Austin 8F
Natalie Bui 9G
Amy Verginadis 10B
Sofia Vlachou 11B
Jet Liang 12A
Our students have had plenty of fun exchanging their SWPBS points for all sorts of things at the Swap Shop ranging from chocolates to Oodies. We hope that next year our students continue to display our college values in their actions and keep earning those points.
There is another special group of students who deserve a rather special mention. All the students who have received 100% for attendance awards for the entire year of 2021. These students clearly demonstrate a high commitment to their education and take their learning very seriously, they have been rewarded a voucher of $25, but their real reward is their education. Attendance is closely linked to academic success and is very important in aiding students reaching their full potential. Excellent work to all of you keep it up!!
Many of our students across the college have been involved in lunch time activities which have been an enormous amount of fun for all who participated. Activities included volley ball, basketball, dodge obstacle courses and staff versus student challenges. We plan on running more lunch time activities in 2022 to help engage our students and develop healthy happy and active individuals.
Whilst this year has bought about change so does next year also. The Sub-school team would like to farewell Sam Daff who has greatly supported the team and our students over his time at LSC, we wish him all the best in his new role. Jacqueline Sampson will also be unfortunately leaving us this year, throughout her tenure at Lyndhurst she has been a dedicated Sub-school Leader and leading teacher who has built positive relationships with the entire college community and her tireless efforts, leadership and spark will be missed by us all. None the less we wish her best in her new role and we are sure will be an asset to her new school.
Finally the Sub-school team would once again like to thank all our students for their participation in our college community, we are all looking forward to a brighter, bigger and better 2022, with the support of you all and our community our students will continue to achieve great things. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy festive season and all the best over the holidays. Stay safe, look after one another and we will see you all in 2022.
Kindest regards
Sub-school Team.