The 25th of April marks an incredibly significant moment in the lives of all Australians.
It marks the day thousands of men and women sacrificed their lives for the future generations, our generation, to live free lives. On this day, we came together as a school community and remembered all those who had fallen and served for our country.
Kew High School was privileged to have many distinguished guests commemorate and join our school memorial service. We would like to thank Tim Smith and Judith Voce, who spoke to our students about the importance of the memorial day, and what it means for us. We would also like to acknowledge the representatives from the Rotary Club of Yarra Bend, Kew and Kew East Community Bank, The School Council, School Chaplaincy Committee, QNetwork and parents who also attended the assembly. We would also like to thank the students who spoke and our school band for their performance.
Alongside the Kew High School assembly, many students also represented the school in an ANZAC Day march on Sunday the 23rd at Kew Junction. This march is an annual event where all of the schools and scouts in the area are invited to attend and march alongside some of the families and war veterans. Kew High School is very well known for their large body of student participation at the march and they were definitely not disappointed this year. We are so thankful to all those students who came and marched for our school and paid their respects.
Lest we forget.
Tom Williams and Amy Farrawell
School Captains