Trans-Tasman Battle
Recently year 7 and 8 students from Kew High School went head to head against Wellington’s Samuel Marsden College in a battle of smarts and physics. Each school developed their own device to protect their egg from a series of drops from varying heights. Under the careful tutelage of our STEM Captain, Samuel Wakelam, each team considered various approaches to their task. Teams were supported by our STEM coordinator Bernie McGrath, our Enrichment coordinator Katy Tucker, and senior science teacher Lyndsey Thickins.
Our year 7 team (Tarsh Rigg, Jane Whittle, Isabella Adduci, and Isabella Parker) and our year 8 team (Georgia Lindemans, Hannah Baird, Laura Cuthbert, and Zara Davis) were successful in all attempts. Each team’s precious egg escaped unscathed from the day’s experiments.
The competition ended in a tie with Samuel Marsden College, as all their egg drops were also successful. Congratulations to all the participants for a great job!
Katy Tucker
Enrichment Coordinator