VET 1 & 2 Outdoor Recreation
I enjoyed this camp because of all the great memories that I made with such great people. The canoeing was just one of the things that I thought that I couldn't have wished for a better group of people to go with. The activities that we took part in on this camp were sometimes a bit challenging, but more often than not were really good experiences. When Isabella took the photo above, we had all just paddled under a small bridge and we were waiting for everyone else to catch up so that we could keep going. I learnt from this that although sometimes things aren't always in your comfort zone, they usually make the best experiences and best memories.
Talya Callahan
Year 10
One aspect of the camp that I found challenging was the bike riding because I'm not the strongest rider, but it was something that after we finished, I felt like I had accomplished something great. Although it was challenging I also found it a lot of fun! This photo above, sums up my feelings
Victoria Carver
Year 10