Making Water Clean
Running taps, working toilets, and clean, safe drinking water. In Australia, they’re things people take for granted, yet around the world, 900 million people do not have access to clean, safe drinking water.
This problem was put forward to all Year 7 Science classes and in response every student participated in groups to produce a working model of a water filtration system. To promote their water purification system and build confidence in recycled water, students designed a company name, logo and an advertising campaign that included a television commercial.
One television commercial and one water purification system was put forward by each class to compete against the rest of the Year 7 classes in a competition on Friday 26 May. A panel of judges watched every television commercial and judged elements such as film quality, creativity and ability to sell their product. Each water unit spent the morning filtering water, and judges looked at the clarity of water, attractiveness of the system and the amount of clean water produced.
This project enabled students to participate in a STEM themed project and provided the opportunity to further develop their 21st Century skills such as Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Innovation.
Thank you to our Year 7 students for their creative efforts, our Year 7 Science teachers for their hard work and our panel of judges Ms Sitlington, Ms Dunstall, Mr Bennett, Mr Chrisafis and our STEM captain, Sam Wakelam, for deciding on the following winners:
Water Purification System: 7I – Hydration Better
Water Television Commercial: 7D – Dumbledore’s Army
Lyndsey Thickins
STEM teacher