On Friday 19 May, over 100 students participated in this year's 3in6 Film Competition.

There were a few new additions to this year’s competition. We had two new judges, both from the library: Ms.Sue De Leon and Mr.Kevin Whitney. There were also three new awards: Best Actor, Best Editor/Cinematographer and Best New Talent.


Like last year, the judges made a film with the two secrets. Our friendly librarian Mr.Whitney was the star of the film. In the film he was faced with some unfortunate FAKE NEWS.  He also discovered a lost book about coins GOLD COIN! Once, the clues were revealed and the rules were explained, the students began working on making their films.


There was some leniency in regard to a three minute film made in six hours, but by the end of the day, a total of 25 films were submitted. This was a record for Kew High School.


Thank you to all of the students who participated. It was a wonderful day and some great films were produced. Thank you also to the judges: Ms Sue De Leon, Mr Kevin Whitney, Mr  Huu Tran, Mr Daryl Bennett, Mr Frank Ferretti and Mr Danny Gesundheit. Finally, a big thanks must go to the principal, Ms Clare Entwisle for continuing to support the competition.


Danny Gesundheit

Media Coordinator


The winners of this year’s competition were:


Junior Secondary WINNERS

Year 8 – Kristiana Gjorgiev, Bishaaro Faarax, Georgia Lindemans


Middle Secondary WINNERS

Year 9 ABDUCTION – Jack Chenoweth, Elton Paraha, Marko Babusku, Chris Misarvidis-Tyshing


Senior Secondary WINNERS

Year 12 TOASTIE - Matt Kaal, Alex Constantinidis AND Samuel Edvardsson


Best Actor

Henry Nguyen


Best Editor/Cinematographer

Howard Aitken


Best Direction

Lingjun Chen



Year 12 – MISDIRECTION  - Alex Siderov, Fabrice Wong Kwok, Ferris Hansen, Lukas Matovinovic


Year 12 – SPYBOYZ4EVA  - Eddy McQueen, Pat Farrawell, Marc Scollo, Todd Dhima


Year 12 – FOUND FOOTAGE -  Sam Wakelam, Lachlan Peele