The Joy of Learning Through Experience
All that we do at Kew is centred on creating a positive learning environment for our students, a world where they have a sense of purpose and an opportunity to develop meaningful relationships. We know that for anyone to learn, engagement and relevance are critical components.
The end of semester Winter Solstice of Music saw 198 students and 16 music staff involved in a myriad of ways, but mostly performing. There were students at all levels of proficiency being availed of the opportunity to be on stage in a variety of bands and ensembles. Such a show is the end product of countless hours of practising and innumerable interactions and through this students learn valuable and transferable life skills. To achieve success as a musician here you have to cooperate with others, be determined and patient, accept feedback and be organised. At the conclusion, students had a sense of accomplishment and pride as the audience acknowledged their efforts.
Earlier in the term, I sat in the Renaissance Theatre and watched spellbound as the VCE students performed Alice in Wonderland. Generally each member of the class had input into more than one role. They elected to work back stage or on lighting and sound, on the sets or costumes or as directors. They were perfectly cast and they entertained with their masterful performances. As the curtain closed on the second night, they had all accumulated their unique lifetime memories.
Other activities outside the classroom include: the Victorian Schools’ Cup and Beach volleyball, interschool sport, a range of year level and Outdoor Education camps with bushwalking, sailing and snorkelling, the VCE Biology camp , snow trips, excursions, involvement in Stem, the Tournament of the Minds, debating, public speaking, the United Nation Convention, SRC led activities, cultural diversity week, the Q9 cross curricular project, work experience and World Challenge. In these, students are able to challenge themselves, work in teams and discover the joy of learning through experience.
Clare Entwisle