National Reconciliation Week

This week a group of students attended the Reconciliation Week activities at the Springvale Town Hall. There was a wonderful Welcome to Country and many Indigenous-based activities for students to participate in. Our thanks are extended to the Greater Dandenong Council for the organisation of this annual event.

Loreto Cannon

AP: Engagement, Operations and Community



Thanks to Ms. Dilettoso and Ms. O’Gorman for our Reconciliation awareness week. There have been a number of prayers, activities, and information that have offered us more insights into the need for reconciliation for our First Nations People. It speaks to us of the mission of Jesus to bring restoration to those who are marginalized. We have inserted some photos of our “Sorry” sign where students were invited to tie a ribbon on the word at our Rosemary Avenue entrance. In the coming weeks we hope to spread more information on the Voice referendum to our staff and Community so please stay tuned. 


Mr. O’Neill

AP: Faith and Mission