Solidarity Mass

Our annual Solidarity Mass was a great celebration in the new Senior Learning Centre and Father Brian was our wonderful celebrant again. We are so grateful for the incredible rapport he has with our community and his ability to tap into our school theme of “Courage” and unravel the scriptures for us with such relevance and clarity.
Thank you also to the Year 11 Drama Class for their scripture dramatization and reflection with the band singing “Let it Be” so beautifully.
Of course, it was also an opportunity for our students to donate to Vinnies and their effort at gathering the items suggested by Vinnies was wonderful. It was all part of our Solidarity Mass which we had for the first time in the new Kennedy Hall. It was a wonderful celebration thanks to Father Brian and the tremendous support of staff and students to make this a sacred celebration.
Thank you to all who contributed to this mighty effort.
Mr. O'Neill
AP: Faith and Mission