What’s been happening?

So far throughout the term, our human body play area has prompted very funny and absurd pretend injuries and surgical procedures to treat them. This has included a fever from licking a toad, and two broken legs from being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner. Even our toy octopus, Ringo, has had a broken tentacle bandaged up at our OSHC hospital! In amongst the silliness, we’ve also learned real first aid skills and have been fascinated by detailed representations of the systems within our bodies.


Our “make your own Pokémon card” activity has also been a hit, with the kids inventing new Pokémon and deciding what its strengths, weaknesses and evolutions are. We were very impressed with the creativity the kids showed, and loved seeing them proudly show their work off to their family. Of the activity, Olivia said “It’s challenging to make it look professional, but it’s still very fun to do it”, and Finley said “It was very fun! You can make your own types of Pokémon and decide how much damage it can do to make it better”


Throughout each session, we’re pleased to see kids of all ages, identities and with varying levels of experience participating and enjoying their time at OSHC.

Just some of the fantastic Pokémon cards made this week
Just some of the fantastic Pokémon cards made this week

Not sure what else happens at Before and After Care? Here's an example of this week's schedule.

Term 2, Week 4
Term 2, Week 4


Bookings and availability

As we mentioned in our last newsletter entry, there is a high demand for care and bookings after school. We are licensed for 105 places, and we’ve reached this capacity on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Several families are already on waitlists for these days. We'll communicate further if any routine places open up. Last minute casual bookings may become available from time to time, but please make alternative arrangements if you require any routine care on these days.


Early arrivals

We’ve noticed many children playing unsupervised out in the yard early in the morning. Whilst we have a duty of care to all children on the school grounds, our focus needs to remain on the children attending BSC. Just a friendly reminder that if your child needs to arrive at school before 8:45am, please book them in to Before Care. We have a warm indoor space, breakfast, friendly staff and plenty to do!