Preschool and Childrens Centre

Preschool children have had a wonderful start to Term 2 and are enjoying exploring the new learning areas and reconnecting with staff and friends after the holiday break.
Children have been learning how to take care of the environment; using buckets and tongs to collect any pieces of rubbish and cleaning up the leaf litter from the yard using rakes. We are also exploring the milo seeds which provide opportunities to explore measuring.
The story tables (The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs and We are Going on a Bear Hunt) have continued to expand children’s oral language as they retell the stories using the provided props. Our small literacy groups have focused on the story “We are going on a Bear Hunt” where children have been looking at vocabulary such as through, hunt, under, big and stumble.
We have also been working on developing children’s phonological awareness skills (their ability to hear sounds in words) in these small groups. Our initial focus has been on blending and segmenting words (syllables) with the children.
Perhaps you could ask your child to segment their name? eg. Carlo =Car-lo, Vinti= Vin-ti