From the Principal 

Dear families,

Term 2 has started with a packed fortnight of learning. Across the school students are working on Information Reports, with many tying into the Art competition theme connected information reports on endangered Australian flora and fauna. We have also had a Life Education incursion in Year 4 and Aerokids incursion on gymnastics, exploring flexibility and co-ordination. In Week 3 our Department for Education CE, Martin Westwell, will be visiting the school and seeing the fantastic teaching and learning from the Childrens Centre to Year 6.


Our Aboriginal families in the Language and culture room have started to draft our school Reconciliation Plan. To develop a greater understanding across the site we will extend our cultural learning in the primary years with visit from Trent Hill, an Indigenous storyteller, educator and guide. His work with students over the last ten years has included aboriginl plant trails at the Adelaide Botanic Garden, general introductions to Aboriginal culture, where children can hold traditional artefacts and learn about seasonal movements, roles of men, women and children and the diversity of Aboriginal people, and Dreaming stories, with discussions around the morals and messaging. We look forward to working with Trent throughout the year. 


Our IELC has welcomed another five students this week and enrolments continue to be requested across the year levels. We are also in the process of enrolling Preschool children for mid year entry in July. Our fist Principal tour last week was very successful and we will hold further tours later this term. If you know of family/friends keen to enrol their children please encourage them to contact out Front Office for details.


Thank you for supporting our prompt start to morning lessons and helping us minimise exposure to Covid by dropping off students on time and at the classroom door rather than coming into buildings. Our students know their morning routines and are showing great independence. Our new Receptions will be celebrating 100 days of school this term - how time flies!


We will have our second student free day of the year on Friday 9th June where educators will take a deep dive into data and evidence to track the progress of students and evaluate the strategies in our site improvement plan. This is followed by a public holiday on Monday 12th June. Please contact OSHC if you need to make a booking.


Thank you for your continued support, I look forward to catching up with you in the yard before or after school or by appointment for a deeper discussion,



Save the Date!

Week 3

Tuesday 16thMay: Visit from the Department for Education CE, Martin Westwell


Week 4

Tuesday 23rd May: Preschool Photos (Group 1) 

Friday 26th May: Preschool photos (Group 2) 


Week 5

27th May: 3rd June: Reconciliation Week, Trent Hill incursion

Wednesday 31st May: Stay & Play- New Preschool families, Mid year 3-4pm


Week 6

Wednesday 7th June: Stay & Play- New Preschool families, Mid year 3-4pm

Friday 9th June: Student Free Day for school


Week 7

Monday 12th June: (King’s Birthday Public Holiday) No Preschool or School

Friday16th June: Preschool student free day for Ped Doc Professional Learning - No Preschool 


Week 10

Friday 7th July- Last day of Term 2, Early Dismissal 2pm