Need to Know

We have had so many wonderful things happening in the College over the past two weeks.
Many interschool sporting teams have been representing the College in our local competition. Congratulations to all for your sportspersonship, and if you won - even better! We have had a record number of students trying out for sporting teams.
Earlier this week, Kate Thwaites, Member for Jaga Jaga met with our College Captains to present us with some new flags. We currently have four new flagpoles on order and will be proud to fly the Australian Flag, Aboriginal Flag, Torres Strait Islander Flag and the LGBTQI Flag. Kate spoke with our Captains about their plans for the year, their experience of Year 12 and how she might involve young people in her electorate in some forums.
Ms Emily Churcher, our Library Manager, has been running a Chess Tournament at lunchtimes. It has been really well attended, and we have seen a number of budding chess masters step up to the board.
I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the production of "Frankenstein". I can best sum up the accolades for this performance in the words of a community member who posted on social media:
"Tonight I went to watch the children of some of my friends perform in Frankenstein at St Helena Secondary College. Having experienced many school plays over the years, I was daunted by the prospect of enduring three solid hours of awkward kids forgetting lines and tripping over props.
Instead I was blown away! By the standard of production, lighting, sound and costuming. The dedication of the staff and the genuine affection held for them by their students. The involvement and efforts of parents and past students come back to help.
But most of all by the acting! They didn't deliver lines, each and every student became their roles and captured the audience. The gasps and rapt attention around me showed I wasn't the only one entranced by the characters on stage.
But the monster. Oh the monster! He was exceptional! Not just a warped and hideous creation, but a tortured and agonised soul. His every movement conveyed a thousand words and the passion in his delivery sent shivers down my spine. Better than any stage or film production, his depiction of Frankenstein's monster was the most completely heartfelt I've seen.
I've seen many expensive stage shows and spent a lot of money on top end shows, but these all are dulled in comparison. I applaud everyone involved and if your child was on that stage in any capacity tonight, please give them my sincere congratulations on a phenomenal show!"
We are looking forward to seeing Cabaret later in the year!
As the cold weather sets in, we are seeing more and more students coming to school in non-uniform items. Please support us by ensuring your child only wears uniform items as listed on our uniform policy (see attachment). The uniform range can be seen on our website - Information - A-Z Policies - Uniform Policy. Hoodies are NEVER permitted. The College added a puffer jacket to the uniform options last year, and with all the layering options on offer, no student needs to supplement their uniform with additional items.
Students who have a genuine reason for being temporarily out of uniform need to visit their Mini School BEFORE school for a pass.
In particular please note:
- No hoodies
- Only plain black, white, grey or maroon scarves
- No canvas shoes.
- No baggy white or black tops under short sleeved tops.
- Only tracksuit pants with the St Helena logo
Compass Cards
Compass cards have finally been delivered and will be distributed to students over the next few days. Please note that students need their Compass cards for toilet access and for printing. If they lose their cards, there is the capacity to order a new one on the Compass portal.
The length of time it has taken to get the cards out has been problematic, largely because their printing depends on the student photographs being ready. Next year we intend to have school photographs taken in the first or second week of Term 1, to relieve this issue.
The Future of R3
Many parents will be aware of the Year 9 program "R Cubed" which has run, in several iterations, for a number of years.
In Term 4 of 2022, a review was conducted on the Year 9 subject, ‘R Cubed’. All Year 9 students, the R Cubed Domain Leader and a number of R Cubed Teachers were consulted.
The key findings of the review were:
- R Cubed has evolved over time and is vastly different to what it was when the subject first began. The review identified that the curriculum is crowded, disjointed and on occasions, not following the teaching and assessment cycle at St Helena Secondary College. Additionally, aspects of the curriculum taught in R Cubed crosses over with elements of curriculum taught in Humanities and Strive.
- Although the Duke of Edinburgh holds a significant role in the present program, it is not universally accepted by students. Only 29% of students committed to undertaking the certificate in 2022. On whether the Duke of Edinburgh should remain in R Cubed, students were divided, with just over 54% saying yes and 46% saying no.
- In relation to the Duke of Edinburgh, staff consulted were critical of a number of aspects, including implementing the bronze certificate with fidelity.
- An overwhelmingly positive response was received from students (and staff) regarding the ‘city experience’.
Following this review, the report was tabled at last week’s Principal Team meeting for further discussion. In this meeting, it was agreed that R Cubed will cease at the end of the 2023 school year.
With R Cubed ending and the subsequent gap in the timetable, the following short-term arrangement will be put in place for 2024:
- 1 additional period will go to each Year 9 elective (per semester – increased from 6 to 7 periods a cycle) and 1 additional period will be added to the teaching of Year 9 Health, which currently sits at one period per two-week cycle.
Next Steps
It is the college’s intention to continue offering the Duke of Edinburgh bronze certificate as a Year 9 elective (one semester only).
Separate to this, the college would like to keep the ‘city experience’ for Year 9 students alive by introducing an inquiry unit that flows across a number of Domain/subject areas for the final 2 (3?) weeks of Term 2.
A working party will be formed to develop the program.
Bike Shed on the way!
In the next few weeks, we will be moving the shipping container that is currently at the front of the school and fitting it out with a roller door so that student bikes can be securely locked away. The container will be accessible before and after school and locked during the day. Students who need to access their bike during the day will be able to do so by asking a member of the office staff. I will let you know when the container is ready.
Staff shortages
The current nationwide teacher shortage continues to bite. At the moment, we are feeling this through difficulty getting relieving (casual relief) teachers to cover teacher absences. We are experiencing a high number of flu and Covid cases at the moment, and have had to resort to principal class taking covers, combining classes, and cancelling some professional development days. As a last resort, the Daily Organiser will email parents and students of a Period 1 or Period 5 senior class to cancel the class. We apologise if this is necessary, and it will only occur if every other avenue to cover the class has been exhausted. The absent teacher will usually have left work for students, so they should be able to work independently at home. If they need to attend school due to transport issues, they are able to work in the library.
School Dental Initiative
Please see the attached handbook about the School Dental Initiative. Our dental visits are booked for the 7th and 14th of August and consent cards will need to be returned to school by Monday 12th June 2023.
Exam Supervisors Needed
We are seeking casual Assistant Examination Supervisors to assist with the supervision of the GAT and VCE exams.
Applicants for the role must be available for supervision for the following dates:
- GAT Exam - 15 June 2023
- VCE Exams - 24 October to 15 November 2023
Applicants cannot be:
- Related to, or associated with, undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2023 at St Helena Secondary College.
- Teaching any student in a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2023.
- Tutoring a VCE Helena Secondary College student.
- Related to or associated with any person engaged in teaching, tutoring or coaching any students required to sit VCE Exams, or any students undertaking a VCE Unit 3 or 4 study in 2023, or any school personnel engaged in organising or checking VCE external assessment materials at St Helena Secondary College
Applicants will require a current WWCC (Employee) .
Training will be provided.
If you are interested or know of others in the community that are, please contact
Katina Varvaris by Wednesday May 24th by 5:00pm.
Parliamentary Mentions