Year Level News

Foundation News

Our Inquiry topic is progressing well. The students tracked the weather for a week and recorded their findings using weather symbols. We have also been watching the clouds and creating cloudy skies. The wonderful Melbourne weather has enabled us to spot Cirrus, Stratus, Nimbus and Cumulus clouds. 

Over the past week, we have been learning about 2D shapes. The students played Spingo, spotted 2D shapes and graphed the number of 2D shapes they identified. Next week, we will be learning about 3D shapes. You could support this learning by spotting shapes in the environment - at home and outside. 


Some students have lost library books. If you cannot find the book, please pay for a replacement. Books should only be returned on Wednesdays so that we can scan them. No books should be put back on shelves without being scanned. Thank you for your support.


Emma McIntosh and Jessica Dijanesic

Foundation Teachers

Year 1 News

In science, Grade One students have been investigating changes in the world around us. They have considered natural changes, and human made changes. 

Karen Abrahams and Teresa Fountain

Year 1 Teachers

Year 3 News

We are thrilled to share the exciting experience our students had during their recent excursion to the Lume Gallery at the Melbourne Convention Centre. As part of their exploration of the renowned impressionist artist Claude Monet, our students had the opportunity to witness the Monet and Friend's exhibition firsthand. The anticipation for the Lume excursion had been building since Term 1, when the idea was first discussed in visual arts classes. Throughout Term 2, the students deepened their knowledge of impressionism, and this excursion provided them with a real-world connection to their studies. The cross-curricular nature of the learning experience integrated art, science, inquiry, history, and literacy, enriching their understanding across multiple disciplines.


The students were captivated by the vast array of artworks displayed on a grand scale within the gallery's interior. Ranging from Monet to his contemporaries at the turn of the century, these masterpieces truly immersed the students in the art. THE LUME, with its state-of-the-art projectors and captivating visual displays, transported our students into the very heart of the art itself.


They even had the unique opportunity to stand on a bridge reminiscent of Monet's in Giverny, France, breathing life into a framed artwork and becoming a part of the painting itself. The sights, sounds, and the expressive abilities of our children were enhanced by the visually and musically inspiring environment. In particular, the infinity room allowed them the freedom to dance and express themselves. Many students also enjoyed the chance to sit at an easel and emulate Monet's plein air style of painting. These hands-on experiences allowed our students to engage with the artistic process, fostering their creativity and deepening their connection to Monet's artistry.The joy and enthusiasm our students expressed throughout the excursion were deeply appreciated by all the staff and parents involved. 


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the staff, learning support personnel, and parent helpers who guided the students through this experience.


Miss Arendze 

Visual Arts Teacher

Year 5 News

Year Five students have enjoyed their second Inter-Relate session last Friday. They have found the lessons very informative, and the open and respectful manner in which they are conducting themselves has allowed conversations to flow naturally. At the end of each of the sessions they get to write an anonymous question or statement, which are answered the following Friday. This Friday will conclude the Year 5 Inter-Relate program.


In History, students have been learning about primary and secondary sources of information and created their own fake historical letters using convict language of the 1800s. 


This Friday we say goodbye to one of our wonderful students. Philip will be going to live in China. We wish him a happy transition into his new international school. Philip, we will miss your cheeky smile!


Yeshi will also be travelling. He is going to India for a month, and we look forward to seeing his photos when he returns.


Melissa Kah and Tim Andrews

Year 5 Teachers