Classroom connections
What's happening in the 5/6 rooms?
On Tuesday morning, our Grade 5 and 6 cohort left bring and early for their excursion to Soverign Hill. They could experience how life was in the gold rush era and learn how to pan for gold. Here is what the students had to say:
Sovereign Hill, by Eléa
Sovereign Hill was a blast! We went to Sovereign Hill for an inquiry project. We are writing historical narratives happening in the gold rush. First, we did an education session and we learnt how to write on slate boards and a dip pen. Then, everybody got a chance to explore the village and meet people acting like people would in the 1850s. Most people visited Red Hill Mine to learn about how mines (and miners) work and how miners ‘survive’. We went panning to find specks of gold hidden in the creek. It was hard, but not impossible. The ride was long, but totally worth it!
Sovereign Hill, by Ella
We went to Sovereign Hill because at the moment of inquiry we are learning to write a narrative from the perspective of either an aboriginal, police officer, or a child on the gold field. While we were there we went inside the gold fields, searched for gold, watched gold being purified, explored all of Sovereign Hill, and even learnt how everyone dressed and how kids learned. We all had so much fun.
Sovereign Hill, by Evan
Our excursion to Sovereign Hill
On Tuesday 22 May, all the grades 5-6 went to a replica gold rush town called Sovereign hill. We had loads of fun learning about what it was like in the 1850s and about gold purification.A couple of lucky ones even got to hold a $300k kilo of pure gold! We also learnt about how to find it and panned for gold in the creek and got to talk with the locals.
Sovereign Hill, by Maximilien
Sovereign Hill is the land of the gold rush. All grade 5 and 6 went on an excursion to Sovereign Hill where some of us found gold. The rivers were fake but the sprinkled gold flakes were real. We went shopping and there was a candy store with giant lollipops and toffee apples. There was a school where we learnt that boys did not wear underpants. This is a good way to learn about the olden age times and our history of Australia. We learnt how to make gold, how the times in school was, and experience many changes of the modern history of Australia.
Soverign Hill by Felix H, Caoimhe, Clara M et Sophie
On Tuesday the 23rd of May we went to Sovereign Hill. We learned about the living conditions in the 1850’s and how dangerous it was to make a fortune, especially in the mining industry. We learnt lots of different things, including how to purify gold, what school looked like in the 1850’s and what they did. We also went down a mine!. They let us explore the village and we discovered how they made confectionery, what houses looked like and lots of different shops. The whole reason that we went to Sovereign Hill is because we wanted to learn more about the 1850’s to help improve our historical narrative writing.
Soverign Hill par Mattieu et Éric
Mardi 23 Mai,les 5/6 sont allés à Sovereign Hill à environ 1h30 de bus.Lorsque nous sommes arrivés, nous sommes d'abord allés voir comment les chercheurs d’or purifiaient l’or. Ensuite, on est allé voir une confection de bonbons. Nous avons aussi visité une mine d’or et ses galeries. En avant dernière activité, nous avons tenté de trouver de l’or dans un petit ruisseau avec l'équipement d’antan. C'était super! Certains d’entre nous ont trouvé de petites paillettes d’or. Pour finir, nous sommes allés voir comment les enfants étudiaient en 1850. Nous avons écrit avec une plume et de l’encre comme autrefois.C’est vraiment difficile.Bref, c'était une super journée.
5 and 6 Binomes classes May 2023
Par Ryan, Stelios, Clara and Margot:
In Maths we have been working on area and perimeter. We have been working with different shapes and sizes and have learnt how to calculate area with triangles. We used all of this learning to estimate, measure and attempt to calculate the perimeter and area of the whole SLC.
Par Holly et Claudia:
Ce trimestre en maths, nous avons appris à mesurer les aires et les périmètres. Lors d’ une activité, nous avons mesuré l’aire du SLC, avec un mètre. C'était très amusant en plus d'être un super défi.