DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this edition of the College News finds you all well.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all staff for their hard work on Friday 12 May and Wednesday 17 May with Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences. Similarly, a thank you to all parents for the response to booking in Conference times with teachers. Over the course of the two sessions, we had just over 2850 Conferences booked. When Conferences go for the entire day but also well into the evening it certainly makes for very long days for all, but the conversations to discuss student progress are most important to ensure that the girls are achieving at their maximum level. It is fair to say that with Conferences being conducted online and the convenience this provides, that there has been a big increase in demand by parents (please see infographics below). We will continue with the same format for Semester 2. Please feel free to contact me at the College to provide any feedback you may have with the Conferences being conducted through the Compass Learning Management System for the first time.
Thank you to Mr. David Molino for organizing Susan McLean last year to come to the College on Tuesday 9 May. Ms. Tanya Vajda has taken over the organization of the event this year. Susan addressed the Yr 9 students during periods 5 & 6 and then addressed the Yr 7 students and their parents. We had over 150 people attend the Tuesday evening session to hear Susan McLean's very important messages. Susan focused on being safe online. Her sessions, as always, were very engaging, thought provoking and at times quite scary with regards to exactly what is out in the cyber world. Given the importance of the information she presents and the ever-changing Cyber world, we will continue with similar presentations for 2024.
For those of you who have a Facebook account, you can follow Susan at ‘Susan McLean – Cyber Safety Expert’ or access her website where you can find a wealth of invaluable and important information.
As you would already be aware, the College has an Electronic Devices Policy within which the use of mobile phones is addressed. As it states, the students are not permitted to use their phones between 8.40am and 3.02pm, unless used for educational purposes and as directed by the classroom teacher.
We are still having some students using their phones for personal reasons, including being on social media, throughout the day and this is in direct contravention to the policy. When students have been spoken to about this issue, there have been multiple occasions where the students have stated that they were simply responding to a message from their parents or answering the phone to speak with them.
We ask that parents do not call or message their daughters throughout the school day. There are other avenues of contact available including your daughter’s email address or via Reception in the Front Office. Of course, in emergency or urgent situations, students may be permitted to call parents/guardians on their phones but only if the student seeks permission from a staff member. We thank you in anticipation of your support with addressing this matter.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any assistance or to raise any points of concern.
Warmest regards,
Mr Sam Di Camillo
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations