Cadet Camp

Last week all the Year 8's and the Senior cadets travelled out to May camp ready for a full- on week. It wouldn't be may camp if it wasn't wet and cold, with a little bit of wind, but no matter the weather we all persevered and had a really great week. 


Monday we got straight into lessons and this continued through to Tuesday, the wind was our enemy here but all the kids had a good time learning all about all things Cadets from field engineering to camouflage and even Band 101.  There was a lot of noise but it gave us an amazing Band during our morning and night parades. 

On Wednesday excitement levels were running high because brought dinners and Parents were arriving that night, but first they needed to get through the obstacle course and the Mass which were both carried out to a very high standard. 


On Thursday we started with the Rat Pack bake off and some delicious meals were made and some absolutely disgusting ones were put together.  Surprisingly the boys had the best meals and the girls had the ones I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole! The CFA were out and it was a highlight for a lot of the kids with their car that came apart and the race to put out the fire. 

ON Thursday a few lucky Cadets got the opportunity to go up into the Grampians and take part in abseiling and rock climbing. It was fantastic to see so many of the cadets challenge themselves and literally climb to new heights. The day however was brought to a halt when the Yutong Bus gave up on Major O'Keefe and everyone was stuck at the mountain until Mr Bailey saved the day with a replacement bus. 

Friday we were blessed with a dry day which made pack up nice and easy and the interplatoon challenge went ahead with only a few hiccups; only three hostages taken and one platoon temporarily lost. Overall the camp ran incredibly smoothly and it couldn't have happened without the help of all the PLT Commanders and their PLT staff who worked with me throughout the week, taught all requires lessons and ensured that all the cadets had a great time on Camp. 


Thank you to the ACS staff; Maj O'Keefe for overseeing the camp, CAPT Byron for planning the camp and making sure that I knew what was going on, LT Toffolon for staying up late into the night making sure that everyone was okay and Mrs Dohle for making sure that everyone was ok when First Aid needs were attended to. A big thanks to all the teachers who took time out of their week to come out to camp with special mentions going to Mr. Bailey, Mr. Molan and Mr. Franc. Well done everyone and I hope some of you stay on to experience May Camp again next year. 


ADJT CUO Adriene Dawson