VCE Legal Studies

Finuala Neeson

Mr. Dan Tehan MP, visited the VCE Legal classes on Tuesday the 16th of May. Mr. Tehan spoke to the students about how he got into politics, his previous roles and his current Ministry, as well as the ins and outs of working in Parliament at a Federal level. The students had prepared questions for Mr. Tehan, which he thought were ‘very well informed’.  Mr. Tehan gave further insights on the various political parties and other details of what it's like to be the Minister for Trade and Education, both very different roles. All of the students greatly enjoyed meeting and speaking with Mr. Tehan, and are very appreciative of this opportunity. We also taught Mr. Tehan something. He learnt more about the youth of today, and the type of language being used. Ultimately, it was a fun and informative Q and A. 


Ms. Finuala Neeson

Humanities Coordinator