Library and Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus

Busy times, Happy times.

On Tuesday this week, four Year 11 Students, along with Mr. Tony Healy, assisted in the weekly Uniting Church Lunch here in Hamilton.  Our wonderful Boarders’ Dining Room Staff, Mrs. Michelle Pitman and Mrs. Kylie Meade provided the entire meal in this instance, everything was homemade and utterly delicious. The meal was very much appreciated by the folks at Lunchtime, as was the service of the Students.   Thankyou Mr. Healy and Students for a job very well done.

Left to right – Tom Calvert, Riley Casey, Noah Burton and Liam Handreck
Left to right – Tom Calvert, Riley Casey, Noah Burton and Liam Handreck


On Wednesday we celebrated the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.

In keeping with our Catholic Social Teaching principles, our acknowledgement and celebration of this day each year illustrates the primary principle of The Dignity of the Human person.

We aspire to always work with communities in ways that respect, enhance and build their human dignity.  Thank you to everyone for their love and enthusiasm on the day.

Ty Harrison, Year 8, Mr. Dan Stevenson and Taylor Crane, Year 8 celebrating IDAHOBIT
Ty Harrison, Year 8, Mr. Dan Stevenson and Taylor Crane, Year 8 celebrating IDAHOBIT

We here in the Library are hosting a new activity in our Seminar Room, one to two days per week at Lunchtimes.

Our fabulous Mr. Stevenson, purveyor of all things Dungeons and Dragons, leads a small group of enthusiasts who very enthusiastically engage in the game with much vigour.  Thank you Mr. Stevenson for giving up your precious lunchtimes, we know how much the students appreciate your generosity.

Dungeons and Dragons Gang.  L to R - Acacia Harrison, Mr. Stevenson, Taylor Crane, Dominique Bradford, Ella Pevitt and Jayde Brown.
Dungeons and Dragons Gang.  L to R - Acacia Harrison, Mr. Stevenson, Taylor Crane, Dominique Bradford, Ella Pevitt and Jayde Brown.












Ms. Maryanne Gustus 
