Junior School

Cardboard Creations
Our Year 7 and 8 students have created some cardboard arcade games as part of their STEM classes last term. Take a look at their fantastic work!
♫ Music News ♫
We have had a very busy start to Term 2 in Music.
♪ Our Concert Band had their first rehearsal
♪ 5 Bands performed at the Year 7 Information Night performing a variety of enjoyable repertoire.
♪ Our Year 8 Music classes have continued learning their chosen instrument as part of their contemporary band unit.
♪ Music club started up with many keen students in at lunch to play instruments as well as many bands rehearsing every lunchtime.
Instrumental Music ♫
Ever wanted to learn an Musical Instrument??? You are in luck!
Launching this year all students have the opportunity to be part of a dynamic and engaging music program.
Instrumental Music aims to provide a program that encourages students to become involved in quality music making with authentic performance experiences both within the college and the wider community as the College recognised the strong link between learning to play an instrument and students experiencing success at school in all areas.
Lessons available on the following Instruments, Students can even sign up with a friend to form a group lesson on the following instruments:
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Piano
- Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Drums
If you would like your child to participate in our Instrumental Program, please:
● Complete and return the Enrolment Form (forms available at the Music Room or front office)
● Once the form is handed in, you will receive an invoice for $50.
If you have any further enquiries please contact Alyce Yeoman
✉ alyce.yeoman@education.vic.gov.au