Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to Term 2! It has been really pleasing to see our students continue to approach their classes with positive attitudes and pushing themselves to achieve. Our focus on students being in full uniform, with full equipment and in classes on time, every time continues this term, with staff working to implement our school-wide pre-conditions for learning consistently with all our students.
Term 2 Activities and Events
In our first week of term, our college commemorated ANZAC Day with a whole school assembly. This was led by our College Captains alongside members of our college Student Voice Team. I wish to thank our leaders for their dedication in rehearsing and preparing for the event to ensure it was a well run and moving service.
We have also commenced our student-led clubs in Term 2, with student suggestions gathered during Term 1 finally getting up and running. I am pleased to announce that we offer more clubs than ever before, including the following for students to participate in and connect with other like-minded students during the week:
- Monday: PRISM Club (LGBTQIA+)
- Tuesday: Textiles Club, Board Games and Chess Club
- Wednesday: eSports Club, Badminton Club
- Thursday: Drama Club
- Friday: Art Club, Music Club
Students are also welcome to speak with our Leading Teacher of Student Voice and Agency, Ms Simone Giulieri, to suggest more club ideas!
On Monday 8th May, students from Years 7 to 12 participated in our Cross Country, with our course taking students around the local area. I congratulate all students who participated and look forward to seeing our fastest finishers represent our college in the next level of competition.
School Review and Strategic Plan
During Term 1, our college entered into our end of Strategic Plan review cycle. This process concluded with the drafting of our new School Strategic Plan goals which will guide our college in our improvement journey from 2023-2026. The details of our priorities areas and goals will be shared with member of School Council, as well as staff over the coming few weeks, then shared with our school community.
On behalf of the college, I thank all students, parents/carers and staff who took part or supported our review, including providing valuable feedback and discussion in the number of forums that occurred during our fieldwork days.
Students Attitudes to School Survey 2023
As part of our student voice and agency focus, we will be conducting our annual Student Attitudes to School Survey commencing in mid-May. Students will have a session with a member of the Assistant Principal team in home groups where the survey and its importance in providing feedback and informing future actions will be explained to ensure all students are aware of its importance, as well as the value their feedback provides us.
We will provide updates on the results of this survey later this year when they are released.
Uniform Update
As we head into the winter months, it is timely to remind members of our community of our uniform expectations and student dress code policy which is available from
This policy was reviewed in 2022 and enables students to wear either the academic or sport uniform as the official daily student uniform. As part of our uniform review in 2022, we introduced our new fleece jumper which is currently available from Beleza, and are excited for our knitted rugby jumpers to arrive in store in the next couple of weeks ready for students to purchase. Students can also purchase our updated beanies from our uniform supplier to help stay warm. We are also working with our uniform supplier to run a ‘pop up shop’ at Lyndhurst where students can order these new uniform items and have them delivered straight to school. Keep an eye on our socials for more information on this!
If a student cannot be in full uniform, they must have a note from their parent or carer and get a uniform pass from their Sub School before home group. Examples of when it is appropriate to have a note provided is when their uniform item cannot be worn due to being damaged. Please note – uniform passes for items such as non-school jumpers, hoodies, jackets or vests are not provided. Students wearing non-compliant uniform items will be asked to remove the item where possible/practicable and the item will be confiscated for the day. In addition, students may be asked to change into a compliant item of clothing provided by the school where available.
To support all students to be in uniform each and every day, we have a number of our woollen jumpers that have been donated by our uniform supplier Beleza that we are providing to students free of charge. These jumpers are in the process of being phased out and replaced by our new items, but can be worn by students until the end of 2024. Students wanting to take advantage of this can speak with their Sub School who can assist here.
Finally regarding uniform, if families are experiencing difficulty meeting uniform costs, please speak with your child’s Team Leader about the possibility of receiving support for uniform through State Schools Relief.
New Staff and Students Joining the LSC Team
I wish to provide a warm welcome to our new staff members joining the LSC team from Term 2:
- Grace Brown – ES Admin Team Student Records/Reception
- Ben Coates – Maths/Science Teacher
- Anzelika Lebowska – Maths/Numeracy/WRS Teacher
- Bethany Nicholls – English/Humanities
To further support the college, I congratulate the following staff who have moved into leadership positions from the start of Term 2:
- Isabella Borg – Year 10 Team Leader
- Georgia Punton – Learning Area Leader: Health, PE and Sport
I also wish a warm welcome to our many new students who have enrolled with us and commenced in Term 2! To all members of our LSC learning community, I want to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our college and look forward to another successful term.
Ms Eloise Haynes