A student perspective

Year 5 visit to Bundoora Secondary. 


Students in Year 5 attended Bundoora Secondary School for an immersion day. There was VR, which lots of people were looking forward to, farm animals/reptiles, being DJs in music, drama games and PE which was very different from our sports like; soccer, basketball and volleyball. 


In VR most people liked the big bang mission where we got to drive on Mars, exploring the universe. Farm animals included goats, chickens, and ducks. Many students got headbutted by the goats which was very funny. We got to hold lizards and we met a python (snake) that was 4 - 5 months old. 


In Music we used an app called Virtual DJ 7 which was fun. Drama was a creative and fun time when we could express different emotions and scenes. We did an activity called one word story where each person says one word to make a full story. 


PE made us run around a lot and experience a game they play in Bundoora Secondary College called ‘Fists’. Most people loved the food, at recess we had popcorn, muffin, juice and fruit. At lunch we had sausages and bread.


We loved being a high school student for a day and can’t wait to do it again.


Joyce X and Kade K