On Wednesday 14 September, we had a JSC Footy Day fundraiser, where students got to dress up in footy code. Our school made it fun for everyone by letting students dress up as any soccer, rugby or football teams.  


On Footy Day if you dressed up, you had to bring a gold coin donation. Some classes did footy activities during the day for fun. The year sixes and year fours played an intense and intriguing dice game. Mr Whewell joined in and it was an enjoyable way to end the day. 

There were also special lunch orders and the JSCs were happy to help deliver the lunches to each classroom. Altogether, we raised $1,000. Thank you for everyone who donated a gold coin and made the day such a success! 


Other responsibilities of the Junior School Council include:


-doing yard duty in the Prep playground

- making speeches about litter 

-preparing and running the first assembly in two years!

-PPPS Has Talent

-writing letters to the canteen about the food and drinks following feedback from classes

-helping out in the art room

-reminders about eating undercover to reduce the litter

- announcing the anti litter awards on Fridays