What's happening at PPPS

Library Donations


Thank you to Savanna (P-12), Dominic (2-17), 

Scarlett (2-17), Gavin (2-19), Max (2-20), Jana (3-26), Lily (3-25), Zara (3-25), Evie (3-27), Elijah (5-2) Mira (5-8), Sienna (5-8), Lily (5-31) and Harry (6-6) Matei (6-6) for your generous book donations to our library. 











PPPS is the best!


Amelie and Alana 3-27 made up a little tune at the end of last term that we would like to share with the school community.


"PPPS is the best!

We all work together, just like the rest!

So come to the school to have some fun.

We are like a family….but a BIG one!"


Amelie and Alana in 3-27


Remembrance Day


Remembrance day is on Friday November 11, where we, as a school community, will participate in a minute of silence at 11am as a sign of respect to all those we have lost in the line of duty .

The JSC's will conduct the school service.


2023 Family Fun Night


We are already busy planning the Family Fun Night for next year, so make sure you save the date 9 March 2023 in your calendar. It has been a long time since we have been able to have families on site to share the fun, so I am sure it will be a great night. 

If you are interested in being on the organising commitee or you have a business who would like to support our fundraisier via sponsorsip, please contact Mrs Laura Zurzolo in the office on laura.zurzolo@education.vic.gov.au or 9404 4311. 

The next coffee and chat session with Mr Whewell will be held on Wednesday 9 November at 9.15am and will include a focus on the planning of the Family Fun Night.