Curriculum News

2022 Book Week 


Each year the Children’s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together across Australia to celebrate books, authors and illustrators through Book Week. 

This year the theme for Book Week was, ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’. The theme was about stepping into your own story, dreaming with your eyes open and listening to Country as the first story teller, as well as learning from friends who help along the way. 

Our students engaged in many learning experiences across the week to celebrate a love of books and reading. This included a Book Week launch, design and technology project, book quizzes, dress-up parade and an assembly. 


The design and technology project was based on the book, ‘Remember to Dream Ebre’ by Cynthia Ervio. Students had to dream with their eyes open and then build what they saw in the night sky. The project ignited our students’ critical and creativity thinking with lots of problem solving required to construct their designs.  The projects were then hung in a dark space in the library and the night sky our students had envisioned became a reality.

The week was a success, with one student commenting on their disappointment that the day was over when she left at home time.   Thank you to all families for your ongoing support and the amazing costumes worn by children during the dress-up parade. 

Book Week-chic

 At Clovelly Park we believe that buddies that read together, learn together. So to celebrate  Y7 and R4 teamed up and got reading! Students from R4  read beautifully to Y7 before a role reversal where Y7 shared some of their favourite short stories with R4. 

It was great to see so many different students come together and enjoy the company of one another through the power of reading. We had enthusiasm and engagement from both classes and several funny voices and impressions were exchanged. 

“It was awesome!” - Anay 

“I really enjoyed it.” - Angel 

Information Report Writing

This term R1 have been learning how to construct and write an Information Report.

We have looked at different books to determine if they are informative (giving us information) or imaginative (telling us a made-up story.)

We have been book detectives and have discovered that informative texts have an index, contents page, glossary, titles and usually use photographs for the images in the book.

We have also discovered that information can also come from multimodal text such as videos and power point presentations.

We used a video to learn about frogs. We focused on their appearance (what they look like,) habitat (where they live,) diet (what they eat) and other interesting facts.

Our end learning goal was to write our own Information Report about an animal.