Principal's Report

Dear families, 

You know Spring is on the way when the Magpies begin to swoop! 

As the season is changing and hopefully the weather is getting warmer, it is a great time to review your child's school clothes to make sure they have a uniform that fits them!

A reminder that all students are required to dress in the school uniform and that all students will require a school hat as the UV rating increases. 

Uniform items can be purchased through the front office.

Please ensure that your child has a school hat to enable them to fully participate in Sports Day on Friday 23 September. 


Each year we celebrate SSO Week. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the important contributions that our School Support Officers (SSO’s) make to children’s learning and wellbeing and to the school more generally. 

Our SSO's take on a broad variety of roles that support student learning and the smooth running of the school. 

Below are just some of the responsibilities that our SSO team help manage:

In-classroom intervention and support and specialist intervention programs 

Financial management including invoicing and receipting payments

Facilities management including maintenance of grounds and buildings 

Enrolment and transition communications 

Resource Centre management including cataloguing and support 

Project management of infrastructure development

‘ Front of house’ communications, information distribution and answering calls 

First aid and First Aid Kit supply replenishment

Book orders and classroom resource distribution

SSO staffing recruitment and management

WHS policies and procedures

Supporting Governing Councils management of OSHC services

Support of school camps and excursions

Managing the uniform shop

TRT payment and data management

Managing the EDSAS program, including recording absences


Throughout SSO week, classes engaged in "Random Acts of Kindness" for individual SSO's. We also had a special morning tea to thank all SSO's for their amazing work.

I'm sure you will join us in offering a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all of these wonderful people. 



Kind regards,


Terena Pope
