Health & PE Week

Health & PE Week - 5th-9th September, 2022
The new College group Advocates for Sport & PE came together to coordinate events for the College for Health & PE week.
Some of the activities included:
Guest Speaker:
- Brent Stanton - Ex AFL Essendon Player, currently on the Essendon Coaching staff and ex Viewbank college student
Community Sports Clubs came in:
- Banyule Football Club Girls Clinic (Banyule women's team members - footy clinic to promote girls footy)
- Viewbank Tennis Club
- Basketball 3 point shoot out
- Olympic Kahoot
Lunchtime activities included:
- Zumba, dodgeball, basketball, minor games, futsal, mindful colouring in
As well as Ride2school day and sporting theme casual dress day.
We look forward to making Health & PE week bigger and better next year!