Humanities News

Year 10 World at War Incursion with the Australian War Memorial
On Thursday 1st September, our Year 10 World at War students were fortunate to partake in an online incursion with the Australian War Memorial.
Not only were we taken on a virtual tour of the museum, but we were able to look more closely at artifacts related to our study of World War One.
These included dioramas of ANZAC soldiers that are now 100 years old, a boat that saw battle at Gallipoli, the Roll of Honour for those who lost their lives fighting for Australia, and the Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier.
We were able to interact and share our knowledge, engage in conversation with the AWM educator, and each-other, and learn more about the stories and people that make up our Australian War History.
It has certainly enhanced and added to the richness of our World at War studies.
Ms Coghlan & Ms Reid
Year 8 Medieval Incursion
This week the Year 8’s had a medieval Europe incursion with Mr Nunan our medieval Europe expert.
This linked into our unit for humanities as we have been focusing on what life was like back in medieval Europe.
On the incursion we learnt about different types of food back then (eg: stale bread, honey, beef jerky, grain).
We learnt that salt was valued lots because it could be used to preserve food as there were no fridges back then!
We got shown the armour and weaponry used by the crusaders.
Life was very tough for knights back then because of the heavy armour they had to wear. Mr Nunan brought in chainmail armour, plate mail and also the undergarments worn back then.
As part of the incursion, we got to use long bows and recurve bows that were used back then. (Unluckily cross bows are illegal so we could not use them!)
Overall, this was an amazing experience for the Year 8’s because we could see and hold the actual artifacts.
It was very fun, engaging and informative lesson.
Thanks to Mr Nunan and our Year 8 humanities teachers for organising this.
Max & Niamh