Maths News

Math Talent Quest
Students of 7I and 8F participated in the Maths Talent Quest 2022.
This year the theme was FLIP (Financial Literacy in Practice).
Six teams were submitted to be officially judged with the teams achieving 2 distinctions and 4 high distinctions. Furthermore, our students beat over 400 entries from 50 other Victorian schools to win both the year 7 and year 8 state finals and will now represent Victoria at the national finals in October.
Our winning Year 7 team comprising Gabriel T, Khuong V, Micah J, Xuebin C, Gary L who worked on the topic “How much waste would Australia save if we were to buy only second hand items for a year?”.
Our winning Year 8 team comprising Pat M, Hamish F, Ekansh G, Vu N and Byron D worked on the topic “The future of robots”.
Joel A, of Year 8, was also awarded Most Outstanding Individual entry for his “What will it take to make a family of four financially literate”.
These students will receive there awards at a ceremony at IMAX Melbourne on the 20th of October.
Congratulations to all the winners and participants!
By Jenita Jadeja and Marian Gerguis, Classroom Mathematics Teachers