Middle School News

Year 7 Public Speaking
The Year 7 Public speaking contest is one of the most prestigious events at Viewbank College. One student from every class was nominated to compete in a competition that would decide who the best public speaker in Year 7 at Viewbank College is. The topic was, 'The Book Character I Would or Would Not Like To Be'. The speeches were amazing with characters ranging from Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games.
It started off as a tough competition.
Each contestant had their own unique perspective to offer.
The mood was lightened with the commentary that Ms Ford provided.
A funny part of the competition was when Micah of 7I was interrupted by clapping. The audience thought his speech was finished until they realised he was only halfway through.
All the contestants gave great speeches showing courage getting in front of the entire Year 7 cohort.
That would be a very scary experience.
Prizes were awarded to Charlie of 7J in third place, Ruby of 7B in second place and the best speaker of the Year 7 cohort was Emily of 7A.
Congratulations to all the Year 7s who participated.
Written by Ved 7I
Year 9 Lead Program (City Experience)
The last two days the Year 9 Terra and Hydra classes have been lucky to be attending the city experience. The program has been amazing so far, with students making their way to the city themselves to get to the drill hall at 9am.
We started the experience off with a police guest speaker who taught us about safety within the city, a navigation activity which involved finding different landmarks and locations, a brilliant session of storytelling from Glenn Manton and a trip to Melbourne museum. On day two of the experience we had another inspirational speaker who talked to us about diversity, a tour of the Queen Victoria market, a workshop with the big issue and to finish off visited ACMI.
This experience has been incredible so far and has taught me so much about the city!
Zoe B
Ignis Launch
Ignis Launch mini team building activities on Tuesday - Cup stack challenge!