Community News

Humans of Kilvington
'Humans of Kilvington' will help you to get to know our staff. You might be surprised at some of their answers!
Today's 'Humans of Kilvington' guest is Ms Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Performing Arts and Burman House Mentor.
- When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a presenter on Playschool on the ABC – actually I still do want that job!
- What football team do you support (if any?) Carlton
- You can travel to any destination in the world, where would you go? Greece
- Funniest/most memorable moment at Kilvington? During lockdown last year, one of my Year 12 students stood outside my front fence one night and bought me flowers for World Teacher’s Day and told me she appreciated everything I did for her during lockdown and her final year of School.
- Share something about yourself that no one would ever guess. I was a Victorian champion in ballroom dancing in 1989.
- If you could swap your job with anyone else at Kilvington, who would it be? Any of the PE staff as I love exercise.
- Your favourite thing about working at Kilvington? My favourite thing about Kilvington are my choirs. I couldn’t hope for better students and I look forward to my rehearsals.
Pep Talk on consent and sexual health - LAST CHANCE TO BOOK!
All parents with children in Years 5 and above are invited to a presentation on Beyond the Birds and the Bees – Tackling consent and sexual health with your child.
The presenter is Debbie Ollis, Associate Professor of Education, Deakin University, and architect of the Respectful Relationships program.
Date: Thursday 8 September, 2022
Time: 7.00 to 8.30pm
Venue: Multi-purpose Centre (Sport Centre)
Cost: FREE!
Booking: Register here.
Debbie has been the principal author of several sexuality education resources (Talking Sexual Health 2001; Catching On 2004; Sexuality Education Matters 2013; Respectful Relationships 2014) and worked in policy and program development in respectful relations and sexuality education at the state and national level in Australia.
Don't miss out on the chance to attend this informative and interesting talk! Book now here.
Years 5 and 6 2022 Production: Frozen - tickets on sale now!
Tickets are now available for the two evening performances of the Years 5 and 6 Production of Frozen.
- Dates: Tuesday 13 September & Thursday 15 September
- Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
- Location: Dalton Hall
- Registration: Book tickets here
Sleepout for a Cause
Last Friday evening, 12 dedicated Year 12 students came together for our inaugural Sleepout for a Cause to raise awareness around the issue of homelessness and to raise funds for the Lighthouse Foundation.
The students collated 100 craft hugs for Next Gen Philanthropy, with 20 of these boxes being donated to the children of Lighthouse.
They discussed the key issues of homelessness with Peter from 300 Blankets and Tameka from the Lighthouse Foundation. Jessy, a youth leader and DJ, then run them through a program on the Power of Music. With thanks to the Year 11 Food Studies class, we enjoyed a hot and hearty soup for dinner.
A big thank you to Visy for donating cardboard sleeping tents. The students hope that by assisting the Lighthouse Foundation they are helping overcome, in just a small way, the plight of those less fortunate.
It's still not too late to donate via the link here.
Year 9 Walk a Thon - 9 September
Jacqui Goldenberg, Community Service Program Director
On Friday September 9, our Year 9 students will be walking from Kilvington Grammar School to the city to raise money to cover the costs of materials and tools to complete their community service project on their Cape York Immersion expedition.
Additional funds raised above the target will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
We are encouraging students to reach out to their wider families and friends, rather than their parents, for donations. Parents can assist them by sharing the fundraising link.
Connor's Run - 11 September
Jacqui Goldenberg,
Community Service Program Director
On Sunday September 11, all of our Year 10 cohort and a number of staff will be participating in Connor’s Run to raise funds for the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation (paediatric brain cancer).
If you (and any of your family members) would like to run with our Kilvington Connor's Run team, please click here and register.
You can use the code Kilvingtonfamily to receive a 20% discount on registration. We are running the 9.6km course in the 9.30am timeslot.
Looking forward to a wonderful morning - more 'fun than run', and a chance to see how a community of volunteers can make a real difference.
School TV Special Report: Building Belonging Post Pandemic
Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.
When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. As a result of the pandemic, there are still many young people struggling to connect and regain their sense of belonging.
This Special Report provides guidance to families who find themselves in this situation. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help. Here is the link to your special report.