Student Achievements

Great season in swimming
Congratulations to Liam Molloy, Year 10, for his great season in short course swimming.
Liam recently attended the National Short Course Championships in NSW where he had the opportunity to swim in events against the best in the country, including Olympic medallists Kyle Chalmers and Mack Horton, just to name a few.
Liam became a Victorian State Champion at the recent State Age Short Course meet - winning three Gold medals in 50, 100 and 200 Freestyle
A few weeks ago, he competed in Queensland at the QLD Age Short Course meet - winning three Silver medals and one Bronze.
Liam also qualified to attend the Australian Short Course Championships at Sydney Olympic Park in four Open events: 100 Free, 200 Free, 100 Medley and 200 Medley.
How amazing! Well done, Liam!