Koonung PFA Oval Project

The Koonung Parents and Friends Association (PFA) plans to transform the school oval and surrounding area over the coming year.The project will be huge, and we'll need the whole school community to help.Whether it's offering your time or expertise, helping with a fundraiser or supplying goods or services at a competitive rate, we'll need everyone on board to make it happen. Support the Koonung PFA Oval Transformation Project your way:
- Make direct contributions to the Koonung PFA Oval Transformation Project Fund to get things moving quickly
- Buy a specific item such as a bench, tonne of sand or plants, whichever you prefer
- Offer your goods or services at a competitive or discounted rate, so our fundraised dollars stretch further
- Volunteer to coordinate fundraising events to share the load
- Volunteer your time, personal skills or labour to help make things happen
Direct contributions can be made via the Trybooking link: https://www.trybooking.com/au/donate/pfaovalproject
Change is coming to Koonung - we invite you to join us to make the change
The Koonung Parents and Friends Association (PFA) plans to transform the school oval and surrounding area over the coming year.
The project will be huge, and we'll need the whole school community to help.
Whether it's offering your time or expertise, helping with a fundraiser or supplying goods or services at a competitive rate, we'll need everyone on board to make it happen.
Support the Koonung PFA Oval
Transformation Project your way:
- Make direct contributions to the Koonung PFA Oval Transformation Project Fund to get things moving quickly
- Buy a specific item such as a bench, tonne of sand or plants, whichever you prefer
- Offer your goods or services at a competitive or discounted rate, so our fundraised dollars stretch even further
- Volunteer to coordinate fundraising events to share the load
- Volunteer your time, personal skills or labour to help make things happen
Scan the QR code to get involved: