College Notices

Pick up and drop off of students prohibited in College grounds
In the interests of safety for students and staff at Koonung we remind parents and carers that dropping off and picking up students is not permitted on College grounds. Parents are requested to park away from the school in nearby streets and allow their student walk in to the College.
Please be mindful of our neighbours
We have received a number of complaints from residents in neighbouring streets relating to Koonung families parking across driveways at drop off and pick up times. Please be respectful to our neighbours, even if it means your child has to walk a little further.
Student accident insurance arrangements
Families are reminded that neither Koonung Secondary College nor the Department of Education and Training provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and carers are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
It is recommended that families seek assistance in this matter with their insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer.
Working Bee update Thank you to our wonderful families
Thank you to our fantastic families who came to our recent working bee and assisted with weeding various garden beds and establishing a new garden bed near the new building.
Working bee attendee list:
Ashley Tolliday | Chris Booth |
Jinghang (Andy) Li | Michael Zhao |
Madeline Vingerhoets | Yvette Ross |
Wen Long Wu | Yun Liau |
Sandra Greenhill | Andrew Crouch |
Matthew Lonnen | Jude Crouch |
Ashton Lonnen | Nevie Crouch |
James Lonnen | Dennis Teo |
Scott Pickering | Andrew Mangonis |
Tom Booth | Stephen Liu |
Wei Hong | Gang Li |
Dobsons' buy early and save sale
Get ready, the Dobsons annual Buy Early & Save Sale is about to begin! Save on selected uniform items when you shop with Dobsons from 1 September to 30 October 2022. Beat the back-to-school rush and save on a range of selected items, including:
• Blazers
• Pullovers
• Summer Dresses
• Summer Shirts
• Sportswear
• Socks
With a pain free returns policy, now is the time to plan ahead. Whether your child finds a few extra centimetres over the holiday break or not as many as you’d thought, Dobsons has you covered with a quick and simple returns policy*. *Terms & Conditions apply. Sale available online and in store from 1 September until the 30 October.