Parents and Friends Association

Father's Day Breakfast
A BIG thank you to Vittoria O’Brien who led the team to create such a wonderful Fathers’ Day Breakfast for over 200 people. The theme “in the forest” with two “man caves” and plenty of challenges for dads and their kids was great fun. Even the winning 'Dad Joke' (well done Corey Bakes!) wasn’t too bad… Did you hear the news that the man who wrote the song “Hokey Pokey” died last week? It took three hours to bury him. They put the left foot in….
World Teachers’ Day - Friday 28 October
Next term we get the opportunity to say thank you to the teachers and staff of Koonung. Each year the PFA organises a morning tea to say thank you. There will be more details next term on how you can be involved.
Second Hand Book Sale - Saturday 3 December
Make sure you put the date in your diary! This is an opportunity to sell your school text books. You get to keep most of the the sale price and a smaller amount goes to the PFA to help fund resources for our kids. We both win! Don’t sell on Facebook, sell with us and support the school community. The more books we have the better the day. Helpers will be needed in the week before. Look out for Compass newsfeeds in November about how to help, and how to sell and buy your books.
School Oval Redevelopment
The PFA is keen to improve the school ambience. With the wonderful new building, our project is to create a beautiful entrance to the school. You can help by joining the committee (send an email to, and supporting the fundraising events that will happen soon. Thank you to Martina Johnson for leading such a capable team. We can always use more help from… you!
Next PFA Meeting:
Monday 3 October, 7.30pm Building A. The first day of Term 4. Join us!
Andrew Gifford
PFA President
Year 7 Parent Social Group
Make connection with other parents from year 7! Connecting with other parents at secondary school is not always easy so this a wonderful opportunity:
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Remember to support the shop by donating/selling and buying school clothes from there and support the school community. The shop is open each Friday between 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm. We’re grateful to May-Na and Sophia who are organising the shop! Any second hand uniform enquiries may be sent to
2022 PFA team
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of student in Year 10)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 8 and 10)
Secretary: Belinda Herrington (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 10)
PFA contact details:
Meeting dates:
Monday 5 September
Monday 3 October
Monday 7 November