
It was a big Term 3 for wellbeing at Koonung with Wear It Purple Day, R U OK Day and the student led forum on Wellbeing.
Wear it purple day
Wear It Purple Day is a day to raise awareness about sexuality, sex and gender identity and challenge harmful social cultures. It is also a day to celebrate and promote the value of diversity and inclusion in our school. For Wear It Purple Day at Koonung, the wellbeing team handed out bracelets and stickers. We also provided students with the opportunity to complete Wear It Purple Day themed word puzzles. It was a successful celebration day for all involved.
R U OK Day
R U OK is a not for profit organisation which aims to raise awareness about suicide prevention. Their mission is to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect with those in their world and lend support when they are struggling with life. R U OK Day is an awareness day to encourage all people to check-in with the people around them by asking the question, are you okay? At Koonung, the Wellbeing Team and the Wellbeing Captains organised a range of lunchtime activities to promote conversations and connection. Activities included cups of tea and conversation cards, colour in a book mark, make a conversation starter chatterbox, R U OK Word find. It was great to see students having positive conversations with their friends.
Student forum
The term started with the student led forum on wellbeing at Koonung, organised by the SRC. This was a great opportunity for the students of Koonung to have their say on their experience of wellbeing at Koonung and in their own lives. It was great to hear so many students speak up and participate in the forum and share their experiences and feedback. We have taken on the feedback of so many great ideas.
Headspace at Mindfulness Mondays
We have been lucky enough to have Sara from Headspace continue to join us for mindful activities at lunch time. All the participants had a great time painting little flower pots. We also created collaborative art piece on a Canvas and wrote quotes/tips on coloured paper around supporting a friend and asking if they’re OK.
Understanding your teen
Presenter: Kate Wilde, The Workshop
This forum will answer the question posed by so many parents as their children reach the teenage years - ‘what happened?!’ Physical, social, psychological and developmental changes that teens go through will be explored through current research, case studies and lots of humour! The forum will also touch on creating resilient teens and knowing where and when to get extra support.
Date: Tuesday 11th October 2022
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Cost: Free
Yvette Larubina & Eryn Tyler
Wellbeing Team